
Showing posts from May, 2024

Limiting current

  I used 3 type of resistor  3.3KΩ - 2.2kΩ - 1kΩ parallel circuit  in which each branch contains a different value of resistance. For higher values of resistance, the cur- rent that passes through that branch is restricted more, so the LED in that branch emits less light.

set up the circuit with two LEDs in parallel

  Note that the supply current for the parallel circuit, 2.2 mA, is higher than the supply current for the series circuit, 1.4 mA, even though the same components are used in both circuits. Connecting circuit components in parallel draws more current from your source than connecting them in series Electronic for dummies 3rd edition

Ohm's law

      Power (abbreviated P) is the total energy consumed in doing work over some period of time, and it is measured in watts (abbreviated W). Power is calculated by multiplying the force (voltage) by the strength of the electron flow (current): power voltage current or P =V× I

Kirchhoffs Voltage Law

  Kirchhoffs Voltage Law or KVL, states that “in any closed loop network being driven by a voltage source, the total voltage around the loop is equal to the sum of all the voltage drops within the same loop” which is equal to zero. 1. Two led series circuit Voltage across battery: 6 volts Voltage across resistor: 2.4 volts Voltage across led1: 1.8 volts Voltage across led2: 1.8 volts